- Bulovka University Hospital
- Centrální laboratoře
- Centrální laboratoře
Central laboratories of the FNB
The central laboratories are located in pavilion 8 and in pavilion 17, They provide comprehensive laboratory services for outpatients and inpatients of Bulovka University Hospital and other external applicants and clients in specialtiesclinical biochemistry and immunology (OKBI),hematology and transfusion medicine (OKHT),clinical microbiology (OKM) - including TB laboratory and high risk disease BSL3, virology, serology, molecular genetics, parasitology and National Reference Laboratory for Diagnosis of Tropical and Parasitic Infections (NRL), clinical and forensic toxicology (TOXO), and pathology and anatomy (PATO).
Central laboratories perform biochemical and immunological tests, hematological and transfusion laboratory diagnostics, including autologous transfusions, microbiological diagnostics of infectious diseases including the services of the antibiotic centre, the laboratory of clinical and forensic toxicology provides modern toxicological examinations, where clinical toxicology in the measurement of plasma drug levels does not lack close cooperation with the department of clinical pharmacy.
In case of forensic toxicology, the department cooperates with the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and the Faculty of Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University. For biopsy examinations, there is a pathology and anatomy department, which also provides cytological, histological and immunohistochemical examinations. In indicated cases also autopsies. Part of the care provided by the Central Laboratories of the FNB is the provision of consultative and consultative services in all the above areas of laboratory medicine.
The laboratories have two central sampling sites, which provide services primarily to the outpatient units of the hospital's various clinics, including the Comprehensive Cancer Center. COM 8 is located in Pavilion 8 and COM 2 in Pavilion 2 Thehaematology outpatient clinics, which have been providing services especially to extramural patients from the catchment area for a long time. The Department of Clinical Microbiology operates a COVID-19 sampling site.
The concept of joint operation of the complement of laboratory medicine - hematology, transfusion, microbiology, biochemistry, immunology, toxicology, pathology - is based on the need for their close association with the clinical and outpatient departments of the hospital. The quality of medical services is guaranteed by an erudite team of laboratory staff, whose task is to continuously learn about new knowledge of the fields and apply it in the range of parameters examined according to the rapidly deepening knowledge in the fields. It is important to inform physicians about new possibilities and benefits for individual clinical departments and active interdisciplinary cooperation, including continuous training of laboratory staff.
The established quality management system according to the standards ČSN EN ISO 15189 ed.3:2023 and ISO EN 15189:2013 is continuously verified by audits of ČIA and NASKL ČLS JEP. The departments of clinical biochemistry, pathology and anatomy and central sampling points are holders of the Certificate of Accreditation according to ČSN EN ISO 15189 ed.3:2023 granted by the CIA. The other departments hold a Certificate of Compliance with NASKL R3 Audit.
- Organizational chart of the Central Laboratories for download here.
- Simplified organizational chart of the competencies of the Central Laboratories for download here.
- List of activities within the flexible scope downloadable here.
- Certificate of accreditation according to ČSN EN ISO 15189 ed.3:2023 downloadable here.
History The Central Laboratories of the Bulovka University Hospital were established in 2016 by merging the laboratories located in the newly renovated Pavilion 8 into one organizational unit. The fundamental principle of the new concept of the laboratory departments at the Hospital Na Bulovka was the plan to combine them under one management unit and to concentrate them spatially in one centre. The reconstruction of the NNB laboratory pavilion was finally decided in cooperation with the NNB management and the City of Prague in the spring of 2007. The study for the reconstruction was carried out, and the pavilion was handed over for use and put into operation in October 2014. The transfer of the laboratories to the newly reconstructed premises of the pavilion at the end of 2014 was the first step towards the start of a gradual consolidation, which resulted in the establishment of a centralised laboratory workplace with a single reception point for biological material. The Central Laboratories include the Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology, the Department of Clinical Haematology and Transfusion and the Department of Clinical Microbiology. The laboratory sites are linked to the pipeline mail system that has been in operation within the hospital since 2016. The transport of samples by pipeline mail allows for very fast transport of biological material in order to comply with the conditions given for its processing without being affected by time and temperature.
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Hospital address
Budínova 67/2
Praha 8 - Libeň
180 81
ID: 00064211
TAX ID: CZ00064211
Account number: 16231081/0710