
General Gynaecological Ambulance

Location: 2. floor
Contact: +420 26608 3250

Office Hours:
Mon-Thurs. Treatments are subject to a regulatory fee for the use of the medical emergency service of 90 CZK. The fee can be paid in cash at all machines on the hospital premises, some of which can also be paid by card. For a list of the machines, see HERE.

The general gynaecological outpatient clinic provides care for acute gynaecological patients and pregnant women up to the 23rd week of pregnancy. We accept patients for elective and emergency hospitalization. We perform consular examinations for registering gynaecologists and doctors of other specialties. We plan and order hospitalizations and minor gynecologic surgeries. 

We perform pharmacologic and surgical terminations of pregnancy. If medical criteria are met, we offer management of ectopic pregnancies by the application of methotrexate. The general outpatient clinic does not provide routine preventive and gynaecological and obstetric care falling within the competence of registering gynaecologists. Examinations at the general outpatient clinic are performed without an appointment.

To be seen for  "major" gynaecological surgery, please arrive the day before your scheduled surgery between 10.00-11.00. S Take with you your pre-operative examination and related medical records, regularly taken medications, blood thinning injections (if you have received a prescription for them in advance at the pharmacy), toiletries.

To be admitted for a  "minor" gynaecological operation(curettage, hysteroscopy, termination of pregnancy, conization, etc. ), arrive at midday on the day of the operation between 7.00 and 7.30. Please take with you the pre-operative examination, related medical documentation, regularly taken medications, hygiene supplies. In case of an uncomplicated procedure, you will be discharged the same day. If it is a general anesthesia or analgosedation procedure, you will need to be picked up at discharge.


Where can you make an appointment for gynecological examinations   

Primary care ambulance

Primary care gynaecological outpatient clinic

Location: 4th floor in the Bulovka Medical & Business Centre (in front of the Bulovka University Hospital), Chlumčanského 497/5, Prague 8 - Libeň
Contact: +420 26608 3250, 604 333 381
Ordination hours:Tues 7.00-15.00, ST 7.00-15.00 
Outside of office hours in case of acute problems gynaecological care is provided at the general gynaecological outpatient clinic of GPK in building 15 in the premises of FN Bulovka (800 m from the office).

Doctor: MUDr. Martin Dvořák

The gynaecological outpatient clinic of primary care (registering gynaecologist) provides comprehensive services with a wide range of gynaecological and obstetric care:

  • regular preventive gynaecological examinations including colposcopic examination, oncological cytology, ultrasound examination with abdominal and vaginal probe, breast examination;
  • outpatient diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological diseases, dispensary care for patients with chronic gynaecological diseases;
  • consultations in the field of reproductive health, family planning, contraception, diagnosis and coordination of infertility treatment;
  • comprehensive care in pregnancy, including ultrasound examinations;
  • collection of biological samples (vaginal swabs, urine, blood, etc.);
  • small outpatient procedures such as IUD insertion, incision, excision, biopsy, condylomata removal, etc.

Specializované ambulance

Indication ambulance for oncogynecological surgeries / oncogynecological care

Location: General Outpatient Clinic, 2nd floor
Contact: +420 26608 3250
Ordination hours: Tue 09.00-15.00 without appointment
Doctors: prof. MUDr. Michal Zikán, MUDr. Olga Dubová, MUDr. Pavel Kabele

GPK provides a wide range of oncogynecological care. We perform common oncogynecological procedures as well as the most difficult procedures requiring advanced erudition and experience with onco-surgery. We cooperate with specialists from other disciplines, e.g. urologists and surgeons. For patients requiring neoadjuvant or follow-up treatment after gynaecological oncology surgery, we provide follow-up care in cooperation with the Oncology Department and the Institute of Radiation Oncology.

Our strengths are short waiting times for examination and treatment planning. During the initial examination, we also perform expert oncogynecologic ultrasound examinations and, if necessary, tru-cut biopsies.

An appointment for an oncogynecologic examination can be made  HERE.

Indication ambulance for laparoscopic and other "major" gynaecological operations

Location: General Outpatient Clinic, 2nd  floor
Contact: by appointment on +420 26608 3250
Ordination Hours: ST 10.00-15.00
Doctors: Peter Koliba, MD, MHA

GPK offers a wide range of gynaecological surgeries with a focus on minimally invasive techniques. During the indication consultation, we will discuss with you the proposed surgery and alternative options. We have short waiting times for major gynaecological operations; around three weeks. In addition to routine surgeries, we also operate on findings requiring advanced erudition and experience, such as severe forms of endometriosis, laparoscopic lymphadenectomies, etc. We also focus on transsexual patients undergoing surgical gender transition from female to male. In these patients, in addition to the removal of the uterus and ovaries, in some cases, we also perform removal of the breasts.

Urogynaecological procedures and surgeries in paediatric gynaecology are consulted and planned in specialist outpatient clinics - see Urogynaecology outpatient clinic and paediatric gynaecology outpatient clinic.

Oncogynecology procedures in the Indication Clinic on Tuesdays - see Indication Clinic for Oncogynecology Surgery and Oncogynecology Care.

Urogynaecological ambulance

Location: 1. floor
Contact and appointment for visit: +420 26608 3294 (Mon, Wed, Fri morning)
Doctors: Doc. MUDr. Petr Hubka, Ph.D., MUDr. Tomáš Brtnický, Ph.D., Jana Matějíčková, M.D.

The Urogynecology Department is one of the leading centres of Czech urogynecology; our team is the solver of a number of grant projects, which enabled the spread of the most modern procedures to the Czech practice.
We offer complete diagnosis and treatment of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ descent. The department also provides superconsular activities in urogynaecology.
We perform both laparoscopic and vaginal approaches, including the use of implants.
Our clinic has extensive experience in operations under local anesthesia, which especially benefits elderly and internally ill patients.
We recommend to have the result of last cytology (valid for patients with uterus) with the first examination in our clinic.

Outpatient clinic of paediatric gynaecology

Location:1st  floor
Contact and office hours:+420 26608 3293, Tue and Fri mornings by appointment on +420 26608 3250
Doctors:MUDr. Helena Neumannová, IFEPAG; MUDr. Eva Homolková, IFEPAG; MUDr. Martina Pojarová; MUDr. Peter Koliba, MHA

In the outpatient clinic we provide care to girls from birth until the period of the beginning of sexual life. We deal with the problems of inflammation of external and internal genitalia, developmental defects, puberty disorders, we treat injuries. In case of more serious conditions requiring hospitalization, we cooperate with the children's department, which is located in the same building. We also carry out forensic examinations for the police.

The pediatric gynecology department is accredited by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, 1st level for teaching and education in this field. It is a training workplace of the highest type for specialists aspiring to obtain the advanced certification in the field of Paediatric Gynaecology.

Outpatient clinic for the treatment of endometriosis and endocrinological outpatient clinic

Location:2nd  floor, general outpatient clinic
Contact and office hours:+420 26608 3250, ST 10.00-15.00 
Doctor. In diagnosis we use imaging by expert ultrasound examination by experienced physicians, in indicated cases we complement the examination by magnetic resonance imaging.

When surgical treatment is necessary, we operate with techniques of minimally invasive surgery with emphasis on maximum preservation of fertility. For severe findings of deep infiltrating endometriosis affecting the digestive or urinary system, collaboration with other surgical disciplines (surgery, urology) is available. We have an interdisciplinary collaboration with the Pain Management Center and our patients have the opportunity to participate in clinical trials offering new methods of treatment for endometriosis if they are interested. We work with proven assisted reproduction centers in the treatment of infertility. For patients after surgery, we recommend spa care (balneotherapy).

In outpatient clinic we also deal with menstrual cycle disorders and endocrinological disorders associated with decreased (ovarian failure) or increased (hyperandrogenic conditions, hyperprolactinemia, etc.) production of certain hormones. We offer consultations on the selection of appropriate forms of contraception and family planning.

We also specialize in the management of menopausal difficulties associated with the onset of menopause (including in patients with premature menopause after oncological therapy).


Cancer Prevention Centre

Location: 1st  floor, right of the main entrance
Contact and office hours: +420 266 083 289, Tue & Thu 9.00-15.00, appointment +420 26608 3284, +420 26608 3230 (MON-FRI 10.00-14.00)
Doctor. Olga Dubová, MUDr. Pavel Kabele, MUDr. Martin Dvořák, MUDr. Markéta Malecová

The Cancer Prevention Centre (COP) is a specialised outpatient clinic dealing with primary and secondary prevention of gynaecological cancers. We investigate and treat pre-cancerous conditions of the female genital tract and perform regular check-ups after oncogynecological treatment. The examination also includes expert colposcopy, which means examination of the cervix, vagina or external genitalia by an expert - holder of a certificate for expert colposcopy. After agreement, there is a possibility of cytological collection in liquid medium (Liquid Base Cytology, LBC) and processing of the specimen by the ThinPrep method, which significantly increases the quality and accuracy of the result. The price of this examination is 500 CZK, you can also pay by card.
The COP Clinic works within the so-called Oncogynecology Centre (status assigned by the Ministry of Health), which is part of the Comprehensive Oncology Centre (KOC) at the Bulovka University Hospital. Thanks to this, we cooperate closely with other diagnostic and therapeutic disciplines.

Klinická genetika

Umístnění: 1. patro
Kontakt a ordinační hodiny: +420 26608 3293, PÁ 8.00 – 10.00
Lékař: MUDr. Šípek

  • Spolupracujeme s genetickým oddělením Thomayerovy nemocnice Krč


Location: 3. floor
Contact and office hours: +420 26608 3250, Mon-Fri 8.00-14.00.
Doctors: MUDr. Jan Matěcha, Ph.D.; MUDr. Peter Koliba, MHA; MUDr. Martina Mojhová; MUDr. Eva Homolková, IFEPAG; MUDr. Martin Dvořák, MUDr. Andrea Válková

The ultrasound workplace is located on the 3rd floor of the clinic, apart from the examination room it includes a waiting room, toilet and 2 separate cubicles. All the rooms are separated from each other, so intimacy and privacy of patients is a matter of course.

The ultrasound workplace is equipped with the latest Voluson E8 Expert machine with the possibility to examine in all ways in obstetrics and gynaecology, in 3D and 4D mode.

The scope of the workplace includes screening examinations in pregnancy, diagnosis of deviations in development, growth and condition of the fetus in physiological and risk pregnancies, developmental defects of the fetus in pregnancy, diagnosis of possible causes of infertility, in diagnosis of causes and in evaluation of the pelvic floor in patients with incontinence, in treatment of endometriosis, in diagnosis and treatment of cancers of the uterus, uterus and ovaries, in specification of surgical strategy and in follow-up after surgery.

Clients report to the gynaecology outpatient clinic on the 2nd  floor of the clinic.

Primary Screening

This examination is performed including blood draws of biochemical parameters in collaboration with PREVEDIG certified laboratory every Monday and Wednesday 7.00-10.00 - by telephone appointment on +420 26608 3250 (call 13.00-15.00). Blood draws are performed at pregnancy dates 11+0 to 11+5 (according to ultrasound examination).

When you have your blood drawn, we will make an appointment for an ultrasound examination at 12-13 weeks. The examination is charged according to the current price listhere. Screening is performed by board-certified physicians licensed by the Fetal Medicine Foundation.

Purposes of the screening:

  1. determination of the risk of genetic fetal abnormalities (especially Down syndrome) with a reliability of over 90%,
  2. detection of certain serious congenital developmental defects,
  3. determination of the risk of pre-eclampsia.

In case of finding high risk or pathology, we will provide a complete diagnosis including genetic consultation at our clinic or one of our collaborating departments.

Detailed evaluation of fetal morphology at 20-22 weeks of pregnancy

The purpose of the examination is to detect structural congenital developmental defects. Ultrasound is used to image the various organs of the fetus and to describe any abnormalities. In the case of a finding of a congenital developmental defect, we provide a complete genetic diagnosis and further care.

The examination is charged according to the current price list here. Patients who have a referral from a registering gynaecologist for a "Superconsillar examination in pregnancy" or for "Detailed fetal morphology" will have the examination covered by health insurance.

Important note: this is not the so-called "Screening Ultrasound Examination at 20 to 22 weeks of pregnancy" - this screening is fully covered by health insurance, is performed by the registering gynaecologist, and is only indicative. In our clinic we evaluate in detail all organ systems of the fetus with the most modern ultrasound equipment. This ensures a high level of detection of congenital developmental defects.

Third Trimester Screening

The purpose of the examination is to evaluate fetal growth and abnormalities in fetal development. This examination is fully covered by health insurance and is performed upon request from your registering gynaecologist.

Superconservative Ultrasound Examination in Pregnancy

This examination is a supra-conceptional examination, performed by a specialist in fetomaternal medicine when a deviation in pregnancy development is suspected. A request for this examination will be issued by the registering gynaecologist. It is fully covered by health insurance.

  • Genetic consultation and amniotic fluid collection (amniocentesis). If an increased risk of genetic disability is found, we will arrange a genetic consultation (Fridays) and if indicated, an amniotic fluid collection. This is performed on an outpatient basis under ultrasound control.
  • Superconsiliar oncogynecological ultrasound.
  • All examinations are by appointment for a specific day and hour.
  • In the afternoon we perform ultrasound examination 4D - baby facing at the request of the client. This examination is chargeable.

Centrum pro ženy s dědičnou dispozicí ke vzniku zhoubných nádorů

Umístnění: 1. patro, vpravo za hlavním vchodem
Kontakt a ordinační hodiny: pondělí 10.00–14.00, telefonní kontakt v ordinační dobu: +420 26608 3293, +420 26608 3289, po objednání na telefonu +420 26608 3230, +420 26608 3284
Lékaři: prof. MUDr. Michal Zikán, Ph.D.; MUDr. Olga Dubová

Zabýváme se sledováním žen s genetickými mutacemi, jež zvyšují riziko vzniku gynekologických zhoubných nádorů, především rakoviny prsu a vaječníku, a žen se zvýšeným rizikem vzniku těchto nádorů, jež vyplývá z jejich rodinné anamnézy. Poskytujeme jim komplexní péči včetně edukace, expertního onkogynekologického ultrazvuku a spolupráce s jinými specialisty (např. genetik, radiodiagnostik, dermatolog, gastroenterolog, oftalmolog, plastický chirurg). Pacientkám nabízíme profylaktické (preventivní) operační výkony na naší klinice. Při operacích na prsou spolupracujeme také s oddělením plastické chirurgie FNB.