- Bulovka University Hospital
- Klinická farmacie
Oddělení klinické farmacie se svými činnostmi zaměřuje na 3 oblasti:
Clinical-pharmaceutical care for outpatients
Clinical-pharmaceutical care for the outpatient is provided on a consultative basis. Based on the physician's request, a consult is performed. Evaluation of current or planned medication for an outpatient is performed with or without the patient present. Medication assessment is performed in relation to present or potential medication problems in the context of not only the medication record but also the patient's relevant medical record, with the development of a proposed solution and appropriate course of action for the treating physician.
The outpatient clinic is located in the premises of the Bulovka University Hospital, building no. 10(Internal Department), on the ground floor (main entrance and left)
Opening Hours
Tue 8.00-12.00
Thu 8.00-12.00
Thu 9.00-12.12.00
Fri 8.00-12.00
In afternoon hours by appointment only.
The phone number for the ambulance is 26608 2909.
E-mail: ambulancekf@bulovka.cz
How do I request a consultation?
If you request a consult with a patient, book the patient for a specific time (one patient = 30 min slot). If the physician requests a consult without the patient present, schedule the patient on the day of the consult request and indicate in the note when the consult is due. The note may also specify the physician's request (comprehensive analysis of pharmacotherapy/particular drug problem). The request for a consultation (type K) must be delivered in person, by post, via the patient or electronically. The availability of medical records is a prerequisite.
Consensus request process for FNB physicians:
- on the Intranet in the booking system, select the clinical pharmacy tab,
- an appointment can also be made by calling 4104 or 4107.
Consultation request process for non-FNB physicians:
- patient appointments can be made by calling 26608 4104, 26608 4107 or via email:ambulancekf@bulovka.cz,
- submit the patient's medical record with the request for consultation.
Care is provided to:
- patients of specialty outpatient clinics,
-primary care patients.
Clinical-pharmaceutical care for hospitalized patients FNB
O pacienty na lůžkových odděleních nemocnice se aktivně stará 7 klinických farmaceutů. V rámci péče o pacienta se denně účastní vizit, komunikují s ošetřujícími lékaři a dalším zdravotnickým personálem. Aktivním přístupem systematicky odhalují a řeší farmakoterapeutické komplikace, lékové interakce, nežádoucí účinky. Cílem péče je také lékovým problémům předcházet a minimalizovat tak dopady nežádoucích účinků léčiv na pacienta. Velká pozornost je věnována dávkování léčiv u zvlášť rizikových skupin jako např. u pacientů s renální a hepatální insuficiencí, u dialyzovaných pacientů, u onkologických pacientů, u polymorbidních pacientů, těhotných žen, křehkých geriatrických pacientů, pacientů v paliativní péči, pacientů podstupující chirurgický zákrok atd.
Laboratory results of plasma drug concentrations
The measurement of plasma drug concentrations and their interpretation is currently one of the important trends in the field of pharmacotherapy. The introduction of this service contributes significantly to the individualization of pharmacotherapy. A unique collaboration between the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and the Toxicology Laboratory has created a new laboratory focusing on the determination of the widest possible range of plasma drug concentrations.
Documents to download:
Náš tým
Vedení oddělení
Kde nás najdete? Budova 8, 3. patro
Hospital address
Budínova 67/2
Praha 8 - Libeň
180 81
ID: 00064211
TAX ID: CZ00064211
Account number: 16231081/0710