
Acute Ambulance ⇢ 4th floor

  • Acute admissions and examinations.
  • Phone: +420 26608 2600

From 15.30-7.00 and on Saturdays and Sundays there is a regulatory feeexamination for the use of the medical emergency service in the amount of 90 CZK. The fee can be paid in cash at all machines on the hospital premises, some of which can also be paid by card. For an overview of the machines, see HERE.

Chronic Ambulance ⇢ 3. Mon-Fri 07.00-15.30
  • Phone. Markéta Geleneky

    Follow-up of patients after infectious diseases, special outpatient clinics for Lyme borreliosis, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis, herpes infections, prevention of congenital infections, vaccination of at-risk groups, vaccination when travelling abroad, travel advice, neuroinfection outpatient clinic, outpatient clinic for patients colonized with resistant bacteria.

  • Chronické ambulance

    Ambulance pro lymeskou borreliózu


    Ambulance pro parazitární onemocnění


    Ambulance pro tropickou medicínu

    Order by phone:+420 26608 2343, (weekdays 8.00-15.00)

    MUDr. Dora Jedličková (MON, TU 8.30-10.00) 
    MUDr. Vyacheslav Grebenyuk (FR 8.00-10.00)
    MUDr. Zuzana Lhot'anova  (THU 1.00-3.00)

    (you can find us on the 2nd floor, Vaccination Center)

    Ambulance pro neuroinfekce


    Ambulance pro toxoplasmózu a uzlinové syndromy


    Ambulance pro děti s infekčním onemocněním


    Ambulance pro herpetické viry


    Ambulance pro kontakty s rizikovým biologickým materiálem


    Ambulance pro spondylodiscitidy

    Order by phone: +420 26608 2753, +420 26608 2779 (weekdays 8.00-15.00)
    An appointment by appointment with MUDr. Herrmann

    MUDr. Kristýna Herrmann (FRI 08.00-10.00)

    Ambulance pro MRSA pozitivní pacienty

    Order by phone: +420 26608 2753, +420 26608 2779 (weekdays 8.00-15.00)

    MUDr. Katarína Halmová (Thu. 13.00-15.00)

    Ambulance pro nejasné stavy – k vyloučení infekční etiologie


    Centrum pro vrozené nákazy a infekce v graviditě


    Hepatologické centrum (léčba chronických hepatitid)

    Order by phone:+420 26608 2753, +420 26608 2779 (weekdays 8.00-15.00)

    MUDr. Viktor Aster (MON 8.00-15.00, FR 8.00-12.30)
    MUDr. Jana Moravcova (MON to WED 8.00-12.30)
    MUDr. Dan Vesely (TU 8.00-12.30)
    MUDr. Pavlína Kadeřávková (MON to WED 8.00-15.00)
    MUDr. Zuzana Drabová (THU 8.00-12.00)

    For more information, click here - Guaranteed Viral Hepatitis Centre

    Outpatient clinic for infective endocarditis

    Order by phone:+420 26608 2753, +420 26608 2779 (weekdays 8.00-15.00)

    prof. MUDr. Jiří Beneš, CSc. (Mon 1.00pm-2.00pm)

    Outpatient clinic for clostridial colitis (CDI)

    Order by phone:+420 26608 2753, +420 26608 2779 (weekdays 8.00-15.00) 

    prof. MUDr. Jiří Beneš, CSc. (Mon. 2.00-15.00)
    MUDr. Katarína Halmová(Mon. 2.00-15.00)
    MUDr. Marek Ďuríček(Mon. 2.00-15.00)