Lékaři centra
as. MUDr. Jan Lesenský, MD, Ph.D.
Head of the center and surgical chief
He started working at the orthopaedic clinic at Bulovka in summer 2006 as a graduate of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. He has been involved in oncological orthopaedics since 2008, when he took over the outpatient clinic from professor Matějovský. In 2010 he completed the EFORT travelling fellowship and later successfully qualified for a 4-month fellowship at the renowned Rizzoli Institute in Bologna, Italy, where oncological orthopaedics was shaped. Upon his return to Czech Republic he implemented the method of bone reconstruction using a combined graft (also known as Capanna technique). In 2011 he passed the board certification with a distinction from the committee. In 2014, he completed the medical diploma nostrification for the United States (USMLE tests crowned with ECFMG diploma) and later successfully applied for the world's most prestigious clinical fellowship in oncological orthopaedics at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. He completed the fellowship in summer 2017. Following his return to the Czech Republic, he has introduced several new methods into medical practice and continues to develop international cooperation and continues to develop oncological orthopaedics in the Czech Republic. In 2018 he was appointed the surgical chief at the department of Oncological orthopaedics and co-founded the specialised centre in 2020. He continues to publish his research and gives lectures on international medical symposiums on frequent basis.
Kontakt: jan.lesensky@bulovka.cz
Fields of Interest
- benigní nádory kostí
- primární maligní nádory kostí
- nádory měkkých tkání
- pánevní resekce a rekonstrukce
- operační management metastatického onemocnění skeletu
- komplexní rekonstrukční a endoprotetická operativa
- traumatologie a standartní endoprotetika velkých kloubů
Professional milestones
1. náhrada dlouhé kosti pomocí „Cappanna technique“ v České republice = rekonstrukce pomocí kombinovaného štěpu od dárce a lýtkové kosti pacienta přenesné pomocí mikroanastomózy.
1. rekonstrukce pánve po resekci nádoru pomocí dříkové jamky LUMiC v České Republice.
Zavedení tzv. „long-stem hemi“ a Haringtonovy rekonstrukce pánve do léčby metastatického postižení skeletu.
Zavedení rekonstrukce pánevního kruhu pomocí páteřního fixatéru.
Implantace 1. neinvazivně prodlužovatelné endoprotézy v Čechách.
Zavedení individuálních custom-made implantátů vyrobených na 3D tiskárně dle plánování CT
Double-constrained “dumbbell” endoprotéza ramenního kloubu
- A quantitative CT analysis of fibula inlayed in a massive allograft for femoral diaphysis reconstruction. J Bone Oncol. 2023 Jun 17;41:100488. doi: 10.1016/j.jbo.2023.100488. PMID: 37398560; PMCID: PMC10314285. Lesensky J, Belzarena AC, Masek M, Matejovsky Z Jr.
- Reconstruction with a double-constrained implant design after complex shoulder extra-articular resection. World J Surg Oncol. 2023 Sep 18;21(1):295. doi: 10.1186/s12957-023-03173-9. PMID: 37723520; PMCID: PMC10506192. Lesensky J, Belzarena AC, Daniel M.
- Modified Harrington Procedure in the Treatment of Extensive Tumor Defects of the Acetabulum. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2023;90(2):124-132. Czech. PMID: 37156001. Lesenský J, Blecha O, Včelák J
- Cement Intercalary Reconstruction After Bone Tumor Resection. Orthopedics. 2021 Jul-Aug;44(4):e593-e599. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20210618-23. Epub 2021 Jul 1. PMID: 34292839.; Lesenský J, Mavrogenis AF
- Chondrosarcomas of the small bones: analysis of 44 patients. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2021 Dec;31(8):1597-1602. doi: 10.1007/s00590-021-02964-8. Epub 2021 Apr 3. PMID: 33811526. ; Lesenský J, Matejovsky ZJ, Vcelak J, Ostadal M, Hosova M, Bavelou C, Sioutis S, Bekos A, Mavrogenis AF.
- Neoadjuvant Use of Isolated Limb Perfusion in Large Myxoid Liposarcoma of the Thigh: a Case Report. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2021;88(4):321-324. Czech. PMID: 34534063. ; Lesenský J, Vočka M, Špaček M, Hósová M
- Complex surgery for locally advanced bone and soft issue sarcomas of the shoulder girdle. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2017 Aug;27(6):777-786. doi: 10.1007/s00590-017-1999-4. Epub 2017 Jun 29. PMID: 28664224. ; Lesenský J1, Mavrogenis AF2, Igoumenou VG2, Matejovsky Z Jr1, Nemec K1, Papagelopoulos PJ2, Fabbri N3.
- Distracion osteogenesis reconstrucion of large segmental bone defects ater primary tumor resecion: pitalls and benefits. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2017 Aug;27(6):715-727. doi: 10.1007/s00590-017-1998-5. Epub 2017 Jun 22. PMID: 28643081. ; Lesensky J1, Prince DE2.
- Autologous structural iliac bone grats in reconstrucions of short bone defects in the hand and foot after primary bone tumor resections: a single-insituion retrospecive study. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2017 Aug;27(6):797-804. doi: 10.1007/s00590-017-1990-0. Epub 2017 Jun 13. PMID: 28612249 ; Lesensky J1,2, Nemec K3, Kofranek I3, Matejovsky Z Jr3.
- Tumors of the hand. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2017 Aug;27(6):747-762. doi: 10.1007/s00590-017-1984-y. Epub 2017 Jun 5. PMID: 28585186 ; Mavrogenis AF1, Panagopoulos GN2, Angelini A3, Lesenský J4, Vottis C2, Megaloikonomos PD2, Kokkalis ZT5, Kontogeorgakos V2, Ruggieri P3, Papagelopoulos PJ2.
- Intercalary reconstrucions ater bone tumor resections: a review of treatments. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2017 Aug;27(6):737-746. doi: 10.1007/s00590-017-1985-x. Epub 2017 Jun 5. PMID: 28585185. ; Panagopoulos GN1, Mavrogenis AF2, Mauffrey C3, Lesenský J4, Angelini A5, Megaloikonomos PD1, Igoumenou VG1, Papanastassiou J6, Savvidou O1, Ruggieri P5, Papagelopoulos PJ1.
- Periprosthetic Infection of the Knee Megaprosthesis following a Resection of Malignant Tumours around the Knee. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2017;84(1):46-51. [Article in Czech]; Včelák J1, Matějovský Z Jr, Kofránek I, Kubeš R, Lesenský J
- Atypical lipomatous tumors/well-differen8ated liposarcomas: clinical outcome of 67 patients. Orthopedics. 2011 Dec 6;34(12):e893-8. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20111021-11; Mavrogenis AF1, Lesensky J, Romagnoli C, Alberghini M, Letson GD, Ruggieri P.
- Chondrosarcoma Resection Followed by a Branched Crural tof the Right Calf: Case Report. Cor et Vasa, Volume 58, Issue 5, October 2016, Pages e470–e47 ISSN 0010-8650.; Jan Lesenský , Dr, Jan Hrubý , Dr, Jaroslav Hlubocký , Dr, Petr Mitáš , Prof, Jaroslav Lindner
- Surgical Treatment of Cervical Spondylodiscitis. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2021;88(6):442-449. Czech. PMID: 34998448. Včelák J, Špeldová A, Džupová O, Macko M, Lesenský J
- Operační léčba chordomu sakra [Surgical Treatment of Sacral Chordoma]. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2022;89(4):300-308. Czech. PMID: 36055671. Včelák J, Lesenský J, Špeldová A, Macko M.
- Riziko zlomenin při osteopatiích nádorů dlouhých kostí (Risk of fractures in long bone tumor osteopathy). Ortopedie, 2010, roč.4, č.3; 143-149. ISSN 1802-1727.; Matějovský Z., Kofránek I., Krystlík Z., Mašek M., Lesenský J., Dungl. P.
- Rotational Laxity of the Knee Joint – In Vivo MRI Study. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2019;86(4):249-255. [Article in Czech]; Němec K1, Plajner M, Krásenský J, Landor I, Lesenský J, Pinskerová V.
- Solitární kostní metastáza v palci ruky jako primomanifestace bilaterálního světlobuněčného renálního karcinomu pT1a u pacienta se sporadickou triplicitou urologických malignit. Čes. Urol 2017, 21(4): 299-304.; Novák J, Fišer L, Jůzek R, Lesenský J, Petrlíček J, Špůrková Z, Beroušková P, Hyrš L.
- Patologické fraktury jako pozdní komplikace pooperační radioterapie sarkomů měkkých tkání v oblasti dolních končetin. Onkologie 2022: 16(4): 177-183 , DOI: 10.36290/xon.2022.034 Tereza Drbohlavová, Zdeňka Pechačová, Jan Lesenský, Radka Lohynská
- Surgical Treatment of Tuberculous Spondylodiscitis. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2023;90(2):116-123. Czech. PMID: 37156000. Včelák J, Král A, Šlégl M, Lesenský J, Macko M.
- J.Lesensky – attestation thesis : Means of reconstruction of intercalary defects in tumor indications.
- DUNGL Ortopedie. 2. přepracované a doplněné vyd. Praha: Grada, 2014; Nádory měkkých tkání. Kapitola 13.4, s. 413-432.
- Infekce v Ortopedii : Musil, Gallo, Chrdle a kol., Maxdorf-Jessenius 2022; Kapitola 32 - Infekce v Onko-ortopedii, s.745-765.
International forum lectures
- Isolated Limb Perfusion Can Deter Amputation Indication in Initially Non-Salvageable Sarcomas, MSTS, Chicago, IL, USA 2024
- A Quantitative CT Analysis of Fibula Inlayed in a Massive Allograft for Femoral Diaphysis Reconstruction, MSTS, Banff, AB, Canada 2023
- Complex Shoulder Extra-Articular Resection and Reconstruction - A Novel Desing, MSTS, London, UK 2022
- Dumbbell shoulder prosthesis - A Novel Desing, ISOLS, Los Angeles, USA 2022
- Cement spacer as form of definite intercalary reconstruction; MSTS, New York, NY, USA 2018
- The value of Constrained Cup to prevent instability after pelvic and proximal femur complex tumor surgery; MSTS, Denver, CO, USA 2017
- Cervicocapital prostheses of proximal humerus after the resection of tumors – 20 years of experience with own desing custom-made implant; 28th annual meeting of E.M.S.O.S., Athens, Greece 2015
- Use of tricortical autologous graft from iliac crest reconstruction of long bone defects after block resection in tumor indications; 28th annual meeting of E.M.S.O.S., Athens, Greece 2015
- Chondrosarcoma of hand and feet – Review of 37 cases from single institution; 28th annual meeting of E.M.S.O.S., Athens, Greece 2015
- The use of structural iliac bone graft in reconstruction of short bone defects in hand and foot after bone tumor resection; 17th General Meeting ISOLS, Bologna, Italy 2013
- Chondrosarcoma of Hand and Feet; XXV. E.M.S.O.S. symposium, Bologna, Italy 2012
- Extreme Chondrosarcoma – is paliative surgery justified? ; XXV.E.M.S.O.S. symposium, Bologna, Italy 2012
- Benefits of Chemotherapy in “Chemo-resistant” High Grade Sarcomas; EFORT Forum speaker, XXX. Cervenansky Days, Bratislava 2010
- Enchondromatosis versus solitary enchondroma risk of malignization and pathological fracture; XI. EFFORT Congress, Madrid 2010
- Synovial sarcoma: is biopsy a simple procedure in this specific entity? ; X. EFFORT Congress, Vienna 2009
Surgical examples
- Končetinu zachovávající (tzv. “Limb salvage”) zákroky u primárních nádorů kostí
Biologické náhrady / rekonstrukce - Končetinu zachovávající (tzv. “Limb salvage”) zákroky u primárních nádorů kostí
Nebiologické (umělé) náhrady / rekonstrukce - Tumory v oblasti pánve
- Končetinu zachovávající (tzv. “Limb salvage”) zákroky u primárních nádorů měkkých tkání
- Operační léčba sekundárních nádorů kostí (metastázy karcinomů)
- Operační léčba sekundárních nádorů kostí (metastázy karcinomů)
- Management komplikací a pomocné metody, které nejsou v české republice běžně používané
as. MUDr. Zdeněk Matějovský, CSc.
Chief of conservative and systemic treatment and Head of interdisciplinary commision
Consultant physician and PhD in surgical sciences, specialist in orthopaedics and clinical oncology. Thanks to his father, Prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Matějovský, DrSc., he has been interested in oncological topics ever since his studies. After graduation, he joined the Orthopaedic Clinic of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine at Charles University. A decisive factor for his future direction was a one-year study stay at the Vienna University Orthopaedic Clinic in 1990-91, then chaired by Prof. Dr. Med. R. Kotz, the world's leading expert in orthopaedic oncology. In 1994, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Possibilities of resection treatment for neoplasms of the lower limbs in children". This was followed by additional internships at the Schulthes Clinic in Zurich, a study tour in Japan, and a observership at the University Clinic of Miami. After his board exams in clinical orthopaedics in 1999, he took over the duties of the head of the Department of Clinical Orthopaedics from MUDr. I. Kofránek in 2002. Here he introduced some new chemotherapy regimens and contributed to its intensification. He also introduced some new surgical procedures, such as individual pelvic replacements or reimplantation of irradiated bone after pelvic resections, conversion of resection arthrodesis of the knee to TEP. He has maintained the tradition of Thursday onco-orthopaedic outpatient clinics established by his late father.
Kontakt: zdenek.matejovsky@bulovka.cz
as. MUDr. Radovan Kubeš, Ph.D.
Medical Director of the Orthopaedic Clinic
The current Chief of the Orthopaedic Clinic joined Bulovka in 1987, passed his board exams in orthopaedics and gradually worked in all departments of the clinic. In 1995-2002 he worked permanently in the Department of General Orthopaedics, where he rose to the position of the senior physician. Here he was mainly involved in oncological surgery, but he was also involved in joint replacement and hand surgery. Subsequently, he was appointed head of the joint replacements department - also a specialised centre for haemophilia surgery. In 2010, as part of his PhD studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, he defended his thesis on "Minimally invasive approaches to hip joint replacement". Radovan Kubeš is, among other things, engaged in scientific and educational activities. For many years he has been an assistant professor at the Department of Orthopaedics of the IPVZ and also regularly lectures to medical students at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University. Since 2015 he is a tutor of PhD students. He participated in the IPVZ research plans "Surgical treatment in the hip joint in trauma, congenital defects, osteopathies and arthropathies. Fractures of the spine in the field of osteopathy" and "Determination of basic conditions for research and development of artificial knee and hip joint replacements in oncological diseases of bone tissue in the area of articular connection". He has held the position of the Medical Director of the Orthopaedic Clinic since 2018.
Kontakt: radovan.kubes@bulovka.cz
Doc. MUDr. Josef Včelák, Ph.D.
Head of spondylosurgery
He joined the Orthopaedic Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague in 1999. After his board exams in orthopaedics he began to specialization in spinal surgery and the management of septic conditions and complications in orthopaedics. He completed three long-term fellowships on these topics: one in the UK, one in Switzerland and one in Germany. In 2015, he defended his PhD thesis on "Surgical treatment of infection in spine". In 2019 he completed his habilitation thesis on "Osteoporotic fractures of the spine" and received the title of Associate Professor in Orthopaedics. He has been involved in spinal surgery for more than 15 years and in 2021 he recieved an advanced certification in spondylosurgery. He is also involved in the treatment of spinal cancer, carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Radiation Oncology and the Oncology Department of Bulovka Hospital.
Kontakt: josef.vcelak@bulovka.cz
MUDr. Petros Christodoulou
Medical Director od the Clinic of plastic and reconstructive surgery
He has been working in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery since 2012, when he transferred from the surgical department of Strakonice Hospital to the Department of Plastics and Aesthetic Surgery at Olomouc University Hospital. There he was heavily involved in reconstructive surgery, hand surgery and microsurgery and in 2016 he received his board certification. As a member of the Head and Neck team at the hospital, he was involved in complex resection and reconstructive procedures on the face and neck, and in cooperation with the local orthopaedic clinic, he also gained extensive experience in reconstruction of defects in orthopaedic onco-surgery. In 2018, he relocated to the Clinic of Plastic Surgery at Bulovka University Hospital, where he has been working as the medical director since June 2019. Here he participated in microsurgical reconstructive procedures on the neck and face - in cooperation with the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the Dental Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and the University Hospital. Currently, he cooperates intensively with the Orthopaedic Clinic and within orthopaedic onco-surgery he participates in complex reconstructions after tumour resections. Dr. Christodoulou is an assistant professor at the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague, a lecturer at the Institute of Postgraduate Education and a member of a number of professional societies and specialised groups. He is involved in the organization of professional conferences and regularly participates as a lecturer in educational events in the Czech Republic and worldwide.
Kontakt: petros.christodoulou@bulovka.cz