Bulovka University Hospital


Our pharmacies


Opens today at 7.00

Lékárna pro veřejnost I.

Opening hours

MON–SUN 7.00–20.00

+420 26608 2017


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Opens on MON at 7.30

Lékárna pro veřejnost II.

Opening hours

MON–FRI 7.30–15.30
SAT–SUN Closed

+420 26608 4273


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Opens on MON at 8.00

Lékárna pro veřejnost III. (U brány)

Opening hours

MON–FRI 7.30–15.30
SAT–SUN Closed

+420 736 274 062


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Public Pharmacy I. 

(in building no. 1 at main entrance to the hospital)

  • Operating Hours:MON-SUN 7.00-20.00.
  • Contact:Mgr. Petra Trojanová, +420 26608 2017,petra.trojanova@bulovka.cz.
  • Dispensing outpatient medications, ordering medications for emergency import and specific treatment programs.
  • Quick orders directly from manufacturers.
  • Thanks to the cooperation with hospital part, possibility of dispatching other dosage forms such as injections, infusions, nutrition, etc.
  • Consultation, information and educational activities in the field of dispensing medicines and sales of over-the-counter medicines.


Public Pharmacy II. 

(in Building No. 6 - ground floor of the Institute of Radiation Oncology)

  • Operating Hours: MON-FRI 7.30 am-3.30 pm.
  • Contact. Jitka Aubrechtová, +420 26608 4273, jitka.aubrechtova@bulovka.cz.
  • Dispensing of medicines for outpatients, specialized for oncology patients.
  • Favorable prices of food for special medical purposes (nutridrink, fresubin, prosure...).

Public Pharmacy III. 

(in front of the main entrance to the hospital, address: Budínova 1898/4)

  • Operating hours. Ivana Vlčková,+420 736 274 062, ivana.vlckova@bulovka.cz.
  • There are 4 parking spaces available for customers.


Would you like to order an individually prepared medicine? Copy the e-prescription code or scan or take a picture of the prescription and send it to lekarna-pripravna@bulovka.cz.