- Bulovka University Hospital
- Očkovací centrum
- Očkovací centrum
Vaccination Center
NOTICE: Dear Patients, Due to the epidemiological situation, flu vaccination is discontinued at this time.
The Vaccination Centre of Bulovka University Hospital was established in September 2020 with the aim of concentrating vaccination services in one place and strengthening them, especially in the area of consultations and vaccinations for at-risk paediatric and adult patients. Vaccination is the most effective preventive measure capable of preventing the development of many infectious diseases, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Each year, vaccination saves the lives of millions of people around the world. In the context of the current epidemiological situation, the importance of vaccination as a public health tool is increasing significantly.
The development of the field of infectiology has a long tradition at Bulovka University Hospital, historically dating back to the end of World War II to the establishment of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, now the Clinic of Infectious Diseases. Thanks to this, the hospital has a number of top doctors and experts who have been working in this field for a long time.

- Do you need a vaccination or consultation? SIGN UP HERE
- Program for Gravid Women (consultation and vaccination) - for more information, please see ⇢ HERE.
- Information for those interested in vaccination againstcovid-19 can be found at ⇢ HERE.
We also offer the possibility of arranging an individual vaccination date according to your preferences and our capacity, on any weekday. You can arrange an individual appointment by e-mail at ockovacicentrum@bulovka.cz, or by phone at +420 603 380 938 (weekdays 7.00-15.00).
Clinic of the Bulovka University Hospital
Clinic of Infectious Diseases
Budova 7, 2. floor (blue painted passageway)
Budínova 67/2
180 81 Praha 8
Chief Medical Officer: MUDr. Markéta Geleneky
email: ockovacicentrum@bulovka.cz
tel.: +420 603 380 938
⇢ online ordering
CHILDREN: Routine routine childhood vaccinations are administered by a pediatrician, vaccinations for at-risk children at the FNB Vaccination Center are available by appointment directly with the pediatrician at ockovacicentrum@bulovka.cz

MUDr. Zuzana Blechová, Ph.D. (zuzana.blechova@bulovka.cz)

MUDr. Jitka Bolchová (jitka.bolchova@bulovka.cz)

MUDr. Vyacheslav Grebenyuk (vyacheslav.grebenyuk@bulovka.cz)

MUDr. Markéta Geleneky (marketa.geleneky@bulovka.cz)

MUDr. Dora Jedličková (dora.jedlickova@bulovka.cz)

Barbora Králíčková, MD (barbora.kralickova@bulovka.cz)

Zuzana Lhot'anova, MD (zuzana.lhotanova@bulovka.cz)

MUDr. Alena Tumpachová (alena.tumpachova@bulovka.cz)
Poskytované služby
Očkování při výjezdu do zahraničí, cestovní poradenství
Order by phone: +420 26608 2343, (weekdays 8.00-15.00) or aboutonline appointment - travelers (children and adults)
Mr. Dora Jedličková (MON, TU 10.00-15.00)
MUDr. Vyacheslav Grebenyuk(FR 10.30-15.00)
MUDr. Zuzana Lhot'anova (Thu 13.00-15.00)
(you can find us on the 2nd floor, Vaccination Centre)
Očkování dospělých – tuzemské a komerční
Online Ordering - Adults (Please specify in the notes - what disease you want to be vaccinated against.)
MUDr. Markéta Geleneky
Mon. Floor
- for adult patients from non-risk groups
- for patients without vaccine allergies
Očkování rizikových skupin dospělých pacientů
Očkování tuzemské, komerční a rizikoví pacienti – děti (nikoli očkování při výjezdu do zahraničí)
Vaccination of pregnant women
MUDr. Markéta Geleneky
MUDr. Zuzana Blechová, Ph.D.
Mon 11.00-15.00
Sat 08.00-15.00
Thu 11.00-15.00
Vaccination centre 2nd floor / chronic outpatient clinic 3.Floor (at-risk pregnancies)
- special program for pregnant and pregnancy planning women
- vaccinations and consultations
- post-vaccination antibody collections
- vaccinations for women with at-risk pregnancies
Online appointment (for non-risk patients)
Telephone appointment: +420 26608 2753, +420 26608 2779 (for risk patients)
Vaccination of FNB employees
Thu 8.00-12.00 , 13.00-15.00
Vaccination Centre 2nd floor
- vaccination against hepatitis B, measles, influenza according to the current law
- all vaccinations paid from the FCSP
- on the basis of recommendations from the preventive examination
MUDr. Alena Tumpachová
MUDr. Markéta Geleneky
Kde nás najdete? Budova 7
Hospital address
Budínova 67/2
Praha 8 - Libeň
180 81
ID: 00064211
TAX ID: CZ00064211
Account number: 16231081/0710