
Instructions for those interested in specialisation internship/training

Specialisation internship/training can be realised on the basis of an individual contract between a medical facility or a doctor/non-medical health worker and Bulovka University Hospital. Specialization internship/training is governed by the valid price list of the FNB.

At least 30 days before the start of the specialization internship/training, the interested party shall arrange the exact date at the relevant clinic/department of the FNB (contacts at www.bulovka.Clinics and departments).

Contact: Gabriela Vanková, Department of Education, FNB, tel.: +420 26608 4667.
E-mail: will send (electronically or by mail) or deliver in person.


Doctor/Non-Medical Health Worker

Employer Payment:

  • Intern Order - fully completed, confirmed and signed by the sending institution
  • Photograph

Doctor/Non-Medical Health Worker Payment:

  • Internship Order - fully completed and signed
  • Copy of high school diploma/college diploma
  • Copy of proof of accident insurance for the duration of the internship
  • Copy of proof of liability insurance for the internship, incl. damage caused to the provider's property, in the scope of the insurance benefit in minimum amount of 100.000,-Kč
  • Photographs

Personal data provided will be used only for the purpose of arranging the specialisation internship/training and in accordance with GDPR.

The specialisation internship/training can be carried out on the basis of a mutually signed individual contract.


Internship Declaration


Practical part of the approval exam - 6 months - doctors

The practical part of the approval exam can be carried out on the basis of the Decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, which can be sent to

  • Candidates for practice then contacts directly the practice guarantor and agrees with him/her about its implementation and assignment of a doctor in charge of supervision for the whole period of 6 months.
  • Subsequently, it is necessary to contact the heads of the respective departments CHIR, ARO,GPK,PED and INT always one month in the department + one month in one of these departments at their own discretion. Contacts are available at bulletin
  • It is necessary for the candidate for internship to send by e-mail to or personally deliver to the education department
  • Copy of the decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
  • Order of the specialization internship - approbation exam (which is available to available at FNB stands)
  • Copy of passport
  • Photo for name badge

The order must be filled in and sent to each department separately. On the basis of the orders, an individual contract will be issued.

Practice can be completed on the basis of a mutually signed individual contract.