- Bulovka University Hospital
- Otorinolaryngologické oddělení
Otorhinolaryngology Department (ENT)
We perform routine diagnostics and surgical procedures in ENT area (ear, nose and throat).
General outpatient clinic and pediatric outpatient clinic
Mon-Fri 8.00-15.00
tel.: +420 26608 2439
Acute Emergency Ambulance
Fri 15.30-7.00
Sat, Sun, holidays continuous operation
phone.: +420 26608 2530
(from 7pm-7am call +420 26608 2426)
We treat patients with ENT emergencies especially bleeding, choking and trauma. Treatment is charged a regulatory fee for the use of the medical emergency service of 90 CZK.
Mon-Fri by appointment 7am-3pm
tel: +420 26608 2433
"Modern methods,
friendly atmosphere,
and responsible approach"
MUDr. Tomáš Podlešák
Specialist Outpatient Clinics
You will be referred for a specialist appointment through our general outpatient clinic.Audiology, Phoniatry, SAS (Sleep Apnoea Syndrome), Vestibular, Otology, Rhinology, Oncology Dispensary, Throat Sonography and the Head of Department's Outpatient Clinic.
Things to bring with you to the appointment
ID, insurance card, referral from referring physician, previous x-ray if applicable, and medical professional findings.
An appointment for hearing screening:
- hearing screening for children aged 5 years, tel.+420 26608 2433
- screening of hearing in newborns, tel. Measurements are taken while the child is sleeping or feeding.
The clinic is located in Building 3, 2nd floor.
Newborn hearing measurements are available from 2 months of age. Please keep your appointment time. Thank you!
ONLINE ordering newborn hearing tests ⇢
Inpatient section
Days and hours of visit: in the afternoon, Mon-Sun.
How to prepare for hospitalization
The patient is informed about the preparation for hospitalization in the outpatient section of the ENT department.
What you need to take with you to hospitalization
Identity card, insurance card, results of pre-operative examination, long-term medication, personal belongings.
Specializované ambulance
Tue 1pm-3pm, Thurs 8am-12pm (by appointment)
Phone: +420 26608 2433
We are dedicated to the diagnosis and therapy of hearing disorders.
Online appointment for BERA examination ⇢ HERE.
SAS (syndrom spánkové apnoe)
Onkologická a dispenzární
Ambulance primáře oddělení (traumatologie, onkologie, onemocnění slinné a štítné žlázy)
Sonografie krku
Budova 3
Hospital address
Budínova 67/2
Praha 8 - Libeň
180 81
ID: 00064211
TAX ID: CZ00064211
Account number: 16231081/0710