Evropské fondy

MedWaveImage - Microwave imaging technology transfer to innovate the medical sector

Project Title: MedWaveImage - Microwave imaging technology transfer to innovate the medical sector

Project Start Date: 1. 7. 2024

Project End Date: 31. 12. 2026 

Project amount: 2 258 500 EUR (ERDF share 1 806 800 EUR)

Project registration number: CE0200670

Project status: under implementation


Project Team: Polytechnic of Turin, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Italy (lead partner); Bulovka University Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology; Motol University Hospital; CTU, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering; Technical University of Ilmenau, Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, Germany; Jena University Hospital, Experimental Radiology, Germany; Ilmsens GmbH, Germany; E.P.F ELETTROTECNICA SRL, Italy.

Project brief: The MedWaveImage project is funded by the Interreg Central Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme. It aims to improve the healthcare infrastructure in Central Europe, where, due to demographic changes, the shortage of doctors in peripheral and rural areas is a major problem that needs to be addressed in the near future.  Addressing innovation-related challenges will help reduce territorial disparities between regions and will be key to overcoming the urban-rural divide. The MedWaveImage project therefore aims to support the transfer of technology and innovation from universities to territorial SMEs in order to promote the uptake of innovative solutions and reduce the innovation divide in non-urbanised areas by improving access to innovative technologies.

The central technology implemented in the MedWaveImage project will be microwave imaging (MWI), which has great potential to address the identified challenges and needs. Firstly, it uses low-energy non-ionising radiation, so there is no risk to patients, which increases its acceptance. Second, MWI devices are portable, cost-effective and easy to maintain due to the implemented hardware, which is widely used for telecommunication purposes. 

The main outcome of the project will be the implementation and clinical deployment of MWI-based medical devices for widely spread diseases with high socio-economic impact in Central Europe: throat cancer, breast cancer and cerebrovascular diseases. The target group will be hospitals, medical centres, the general public, SMEs, universities and research organisations.

Project Title: MedWaveImage - Microwave imaging technology transfer to innovate the medical sector

Project Start Date: July 1, 2024

Project End Date: December 31, 2026

Project Budget: EUR 2,258,500 (ERDF contribution EUR 1,806,800)

Project Registration Number: CE0200670

Project Status: Ongoing


Project Team.; Motol University Hospital, Czech Rep.; Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Biomedical Technology, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Rep.; Technical University of Ilmenau, Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, Germany; Jena University Hospital, Experimental Radiology, Germany; Ilmsens GmbH, Germany; E.P.F ELETTROTECNICA SRL, Italy.

Project Summary: The MedWaveImage project will focus on the improvement of the health care

infrastructures in Central Europe, where, due to the demographic change, the medical undersupply in peripheral and rural areas is a big challenge, and needs to be counteracted in the foreseeable future.Tackling innovation-related challenges will help to reduce territorial disparities between regions and it will be the key to overcome the urban-rural division. Hence, the MedWaveImage project will focus on fostering technology and innovation transfer from universities to territorial small and medium enterprises in order to support the roll out of innovative solutions, and on reducing innovation gaps in non-urban areas by improving the access to innovative technologies.

The central technology implemented within the MedWaveImage project will be microwave imaging (MWI) that has great potentialities to tackle the identified challenges and needs. First, it uses low-power non-ionizing radiations, so there is no-risk for patients that increases its acceptance. Second,MWI devices are portable, cost-effective and with easy maintenance thanks to the implemented hardware, widely used for telecom purposes. This will allow their wide-spread in Central Europe peripheral and rural areas, via a low-cost improvement of the national health care systems, without requiring large novel infrastructures.

The main project result will be the realization and clinical introduction of medical devices based on MWI for wide-spread diseases of high socio-economic impact in Central Europe: neck cancer, breast cancer and cerebrovascular diseases. The target audience will be composed of hospitals, medical centres, general public, SMEs, higher education and research organizations.

NNB Energy Savings Implementation Programme - Nurses' Hostel


Project implementation:February 2024 - October 2024 

Project objective:To reduce the energy consumption of the building, implement energy management, reduce the production of emissions especially CO2 and improve the aesthetic appearance of the nurses' station building.

Modernizace onkologické péče FN Bulovka

Project Title: Modernization of Oncology Care at Bulovka Hospital 

Project Start Date: 1. 9. 2023 

Project End Date: 31. 12. 2026 

Project budget: 145 175 800 CZK (of which eligible expenditure, i.e. from EU funds 100 000 000 CZK) 

Project registration number:CZ.31.8.0/0.0/0.0/23_072/0008258 

Project Status: under implementation 

Project Brief Description: As a result of the long-term increasing trend of cancer incidence and the demands for higher quality, safety and efficiency of provided healthcare, continuous intervention in favour of the equipment of specialised workplaces is necessary. The aim of the project is to renovate part of the existing equipment of the Cancer Centre of the National Cancer Hospital in order to improve the conditions for diagnosis and treatment of cancer diseases and also to increase its availability. The acquired equipment will contribute to increasing the prevention of cancer and ensuring the highest possible quality of care provided to patients with this diagnosis. Cooperation between the departments supported by this project can reduce waiting times for diagnosis and treatment, which will improve the efficiency and speed of care. Upgrading of existing equipment will increase the resilience of the healthcare provider by enabling better diagnosis and therapy due to more advanced software algorithms of modern devices. Early detection of diseases can prevent fatal consequences and also reduce the cost of treatment in advanced stages of the disease. The renewal of the existing physical infrastructure will maintain the scope of healthcare provided, increase its volume and quality, and create a modern and comfortable environment for the patient. At the same time, the risk of delays in healthcare delivery will be reduced. The project will include the renewal of a linear accelerator, therapeutic X-ray, diagnostic CT scan, skiagraphic-skiagraphic X-ray in the Urology Department and skiagraphic-skiagraphic X-ray in the Internal Medicine Department.

Posílení kybernetické bezpečnosti Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka



Project Start Date: 21. 2. 2020 

Project Closure Date: 31 May 2026 

Project Budget: CZK 98,484,320 (of which CZK 81,000,000 is eligible expenditure) 

Project Registration Number: CZ. 

Project Status: under implementation 

Project Content: The subject of the project is the acquisition of SW and HW infrastructure and services required to enhance the applicant's cyber security. The proposed solutions will help to reduce the risks arising from a possible successful cyber-attack against FNB, thereby reducing the likelihood of disruption to FNB's operations and the quality of care provided, as well as the leakage of sensitive personal data. In particular, the project aims to elevate the inadequate level of security of FNB's information systems and the data contained therein. The project budget is CZK 98,484,320, of which CZK 81,000,000 will be financed through the National Recovery Plan and CZK 17,484,320 from Bulovka University Hospital's own resources. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) through the National Recovery Plan of the Czech Republic from Call No. 25 (Component 1. 2 Digital Public Administration Systems, Investment 3: Cyber Security).

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