Science and Research
The basic direction of applied research at the FNB is subject to annual internal evaluation in the form of an update of the work plan for the relevant year and thus responds to the current state of medical knowledge, new technological trends, the development of cooperation with partner institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad and, last but not least, to the current needs of state policy and administration and its information demand.
These basic tasks are regularly modified on the basis of external and internal stimuli, they are related to the direction of the state research policy determined by the Council of the Government of the Czech Republic for Research, Development and Innovation.
Scientific Council
The Scientific Council is an advisory body to the Director of the Bulovka University Hospital (FNB), who appoints and also dismisses its members. The Scientific Council has nine members. An employee of the FNB who is a distinguished expert of one of the FNB departments or an external expert with a doctoral, master's or engineering degree and who has been awarded a degree of scientific qualification may be appointed to the Council.
The Scientific Council participates in:
- organization of systemic development of science and research at all clinical departments of the FNB complement,
- coordination of grant activities at national and international level,
- opposition and approval of newly submitted grant projects, research projects within the AZV, GAČR, TAČR and short-term start-up research projects,
- development of cooperation with the scientific councils of Prague medical faculties and with other similar bodies and institutions in the Czech Republic or abroad,
- acquiring financial resources and their effective use for the development of scientific and development plans of FNB resulting from the status of a research organisation,
- coordinating cooperation with domestic and foreign partners at the level of bilateral and multilateral contacts for the needs of individual research projects,
- creating a concept of long-term research development of FNB.
The Scientific Council meets according to its activity plan and needs, but at least 4 times a year. The meetings of the Scientific Council are closed to the public.