- Bulovka University Hospital
- Radiodiagnostika
- Magnetická rezonance
Magnetická rezonance (MRI)
K vyšetření je třeba se předem objednat buď osobně, nebo telefonicky na +420 26608 4014 (PO-ČT 7.00–15.30, PÁ 7.00–14.00). Pacient přitom musí mít řádně vyplněnou žádanku k vyšetření vystavenou indikujícím (odesílajícím) lékařem. Bližší informace lze rovněž získat prostřednictvím e-mailu rdginfo@bulovka.cz (neslouží k objednávání).
Pracoviště MRI 1 - budova 13 (přízemí Ortopedické kliniky).
Pracoviště MRI 2 - budova 16 (-1. podlaží Ústavu radiační onkologie).
Informace pro pacienty
Celková doba vyšetření na magnetické rezonanci se může pohybovat od 15 min. až do 1 hod., záleží na tom, jaké vyšetřovací sekvence je nutné udělat a zda je potřeba použít kontrastní látku. Samotný přístroj je vlastně “tunel“, do kterého pacient musí být více či méně zavezen pohyblivým vyšetřovacím stolem. Proto pacienti trpící strachem z uzavřených prostor (klaustrofobií) by na tuto skutečnost měli upozornit klinického lékaře či personál magnetické rezonance při objednávání.

Patient Information
The total time of an MRI scan can range from 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on what scan sequences need to be performed and whether a contrast agent is needed. The machine itself is actually a "tunnel" into which the patient has to be more or less guided by the moving examination table. Therefore, patients who suffer from a fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia) should bring this to the attention of the clinician or MRI staff at the appointment.
The table has a load capacity of 220 kg. Patients with higher weight cannot be examined. Other contraindications are listed in the informed consent for examination (Annex 2), which must be signed by the patient before the examination. Patients with an implanted pacemaker can enter the examination room only after switching to MR compatible mode and it is necessary to bring confirmation that it is an MR compatible pacemaker. Each patient has the option to purchase a CD with his/her examination.
The dedicated MR workstation is located in Building 16 (Hall B, Department of Radiation Oncology) and is mainly used for outpatients.
The principle of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
The human body is composed of a large number of atoms of various substances. The magnetic moments (spins) of the atoms of these substances "align" in the direction of the orientation of the magnetic field when a strong magnetic field is applied. During the "excitation" pulse, the spins of the atoms are deflected and after the duration of this pulse is over, the spins return to the "aligned position". On returning to this position, the atoms send out different signals. By measuring these signals, it is possible to determine which elements make up the individual tissues and to display their appearance on a monitor using software. This is only a very simplified approximation of the principle of magnetic resonance imaging; in practice, the origin of the various forms of magnetic resonance images is much more complex.
Our department has been equipped with a Siemens Magnetom Avanto 1.5T since 2005 and a Siemens Magnetom TRIO A TIM system 3T since 2021. We provide highly specialized diagnostic care.
We specialize in the imaging of musculoskeletal disorders, all joints, bones and soft tissues in cooperation with the Orthopaedic Clinic of the Bulovka Hospital, which is approved as a FIFA centre for specialist care in sports trauma and also serves as a specialised centre for the treatment of bone and soft tissue tumours in the Czech Republic. As one of the first workplaces in our country, we have acquired a specific coil not only for the examination of breasts on the MRI machine, but also for performing biopsies (and thus taking tissue samples) under the control of magnetic resonance imaging. More detailed information can be found under the mammography tab. In connection to the Surgical Clinic of Bulovka Hospital we perform small intestine examination (MR enterography) not only for patients with M. Crohn. This examination is, in contrast to the classical X-ray enteroclysis, more gentle, without the need for a duodenal probe, yet with practically comprehensive diagnostic yield. From the digestive tract, we also perform examinations of the liver and abdominal organs, including MRCP (MR cholangiography). Patient preparation see Annex 1. In cooperation with the Bulovka University Hospital, we focus on diagnostics and imaging of the throat and oral cavity. We also specialize in prostate examination including MR spectroscopy (designed to assess the stage of the disease as accurately as possible), uterus and cervix examination. We also perform standard examinations of the head and spine for the needs of neurological and internal medicine departments, MR angiography of cerebral arteries, carotid arteries, renal arteries and arteries of the lower limbs for the needs of departments dealing with vascular diseases, and joint examinations with intra-articular application of contrast medium (MR arthrography) in patients with rheumatic diseases.
Documents to download:
- The range of imaging tests performed and the availability of their results in downloadable xls formathere.
- Informed Consent for Patient MRI Examination
Kde nás najdete? Budovy 13 a 16
Hospital address
Budínova 67/2
Praha 8 - Libeň
180 81
ID: 00064211
TAX ID: CZ00064211
Account number: 16231081/0710