Oddělení kvality

Quality and Safety of Healthcare Services

The Quality Department of Bulovka University Hospital provides methodical management of the quality of care provided and coordinates processes in accordance with departmental safety objectives and accreditation standards in order to improve patient safety. Quality management is carried out through internal audits across hospital processes, monitoring patient and employee satisfaction, and tracking and evaluating adverse events. 

Faculty Hospital Bulovka has a long-term focus on improving the quality and safety of the healthcare services provided. These efforts were transformed in 2014 into obtaining accreditation on the basis of an accreditation survey on 24 January 2014 and an external quality certificate according to Act 372/2011 Coll. and Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic No. 102/2012 Coll. from the United Accreditation Commission, o. p. s. The hospital has thus demonstrated that it meets all the standards of quality and safety of the care provided by the legislation and the standards of the Joint Accreditation Commission. 

The re-accreditation survey was successfully conducted again in 2016, 2019 and last in 2022. The hospital will undergo another re-accreditation survey in 2025.

Vedoucí manažer kvality

Mgr. Michaela Weszterová

+420 705 724 950 michaela.weszterova@bulovka.cz

Manažer kvality

Ing. Petra Frantlová

+420 26608 4594 petra.frantlova@bulovka.cz

Manažer kvality

Mgr. Zdenka Šálková, LLM

+420 730 152 569 zdenka.salkova@bulovka.cz