- Bulovka University Hospital
- Centrální laboratoře
- Odběrová pracoviště
Central collection sites
There are two central collection sites in the FNB, whose services are partly different. Please pay attention to the following information in advance and choose the collection site that matches your testing requirements. Thank you. For information about testing for covid-19, please see HERE.
Central Collection Point (COM) 2 - medical emergency
(building 2, entrance from Bulovka street)
Operating hours.: +420 26608 3300
- If you are only going for a collection and do not need to visit another department or outpatient clinic on the hospital premises at the same time, please choose this collection point.
- Collection of outpatients and children aged 10 years and over.
- COVID-19 antibodies are collected here for self-payers only, and these collections can be paid for by credit card and cash on site
- Higher capacity facility, with two nurses collecting samples.
- The workplace has a wheelchair accessible entrance and easier access from the tram, making it suitable for older patients.
Note - collection for Quantiferon cannot be done on Fridays.
Central Collection Point (COM) 8 - Central Laboratories
(Building 8, entrance shared with haematology outpatient clinic)
Operating hours.: +420 26608 4666
--Note, no cash or card payment is possible here, self-payment must be made at the cashier's office in Building 1.-
- Outpatient and children 10 years and older.
- An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) including a test to exclude gestational diabetes is performed here by prior appointment.
- Only here is the collection for specific examinations, where the sample must be processed immediately: e.g.
- The workplace has wheelchair access, samples are taken by one nurse.
Note - collection for Quantiferon cannot be done on Fridays.
For more information, see a href="http://bulovka.cz/wp-content/oddeleni/laboratore/laboratorni-prirucka/index.html">Laboratory Manual.
Section Lab Technician: Jana Sedláková, tel.: +420 26608 2887, 2326, mail: jana.sedlakova@bulovka.cz
Kudy na Centrální odběrová pracoviště?
Where can you find us? Building 8
Hospital address
Budínova 67/2
Praha 8 - Libeň
180 81
ID: 00064211
TAX ID: CZ00064211
Account number: 16231081/0710